101 Market/Petals to Pines Floral




Playful Yellow

Sun-Infused Flowers

Jewels Of Summer

Pastel Delight

Rich & Bold

Vivid Amber

Hooray For Summer!

Better Than Ever

Feeling Hot! Hot! Hot!


Celebrate Today!

Brilliant Basket

Be You Bouquet


Dreams Come True

O, Beautiful

Floral Spectacular

It’s A Snap!

Petal Perfection

Lemon-Lime Zest

Alluring Alstroemeria

Epic Bloomers


Red Roses And Wispy Whites

Primetime Pink

Flames Of Passion

Lemon Drop Roses

Rose Lovers

24 Radiant Roses

Classic Rose Royale

Rosey Romance

Three’s A Charm

Tangerine Twist


Guilty Pleasure


Energetic Roses

Starts In The Heart

Pink Explosion

A Beautiful Sight

Be Lovable

Alabaster Roses

Straight From The Heart

Rosy Red Posy


Supremely Lovely

Get Well

Neon Splash

Best Wishes Basket

Fresh Like Springtime

Spring Forward

Bring On The Happy

Bring On The Happy

Carefree Spirit

Peaceful Easy Feeling

Pot O’ Posies

Lush Garden

Lavender & Lime

Delightful Smiles

standing sprays

Delicate Pink

Peaceful Crossover In Red

Blessed Blue

Memories In Pink

Patriotic Salute

Royal Farewell

Fresh Green Inspirations

Tranquil Tears

Forever Missing You

Sweet Dreams

Ever Enchanting

Glorious Life

Grateful Heart

Uplifting Sendoff

A Kiss Goodbye

ease the hearts of friends and family

Celebration Of Life

Final Flight


Peace Always

Triumphant Tribute

Mourning Sunshine

Calming Memories

Divine Destination

Garden Elegance

Dedication Of Love

In Loving Memory

Beautiful Rose

Radiant Medley

Majestic Red

cremation & memorial


Always In Our Heart Urn


Bittersweet Twilight Urn

Arrangements in this section can be used with an urn or memorial photo, as pictured. Urn and picture frames are not included with purchase of flowers.

celebrate the life of someone near and dear to your heart

Missing You Urn

Bittersweet Twilight

Arrangements in this section can be used with an urn or memorial photo, as pictured. Urn and picture frames are not included with purchase of flowers.

Eternal Peace

Red Remembrance

Meaningful Memorial

Always In Our Hearts

Arrangements in this section can be used with an urn or memorial photo, as pictured. Urn and picture frames are not included with purchase of flowers.



Spiritual Splendor

Beautiful Soul

Graceful Devotion

Dearest Departure

for the home


Prayerful Whisper

Multi-Color Memories

Heavenly Garden

Basket Of Memories


Regal Roses

Patriotic Memorial

Twilight Serenity

Heavenly Aura

Peaceful Basket

Bittersweet Evening

Amazing Grace

Peaceful Comfort

house plants


Dwarf Schefflera

Golden Pothos Plant

Dumb Cane

Peace Lily Plant

Rubber Plant

Parlor Palm Plant

Gift of Green

a memory is a keepsake that lives in our hearts forever

Green Nephthytis Plant

Lush Garden

101 Market Petals To Pines Floral www.101marketpetalstopines.com (763) 441-4487

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